
Our hottest locations

Looking to plan that perfect trip and want to keep the kids entertained while you eat or have a drink? Find the best family friendly pubs with play areas in our most searched for locations.
Chicago Metropolitan Area, 643...
  • (415) 312-2458
  • Chicago Metropolitan Area, 643...
O'Hare, O'Hare International A...
  • (415) 577-9050
  • O'Hare, O'Hare International A...
Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA-NH...
  • (510) 922-1579
  • Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA-NH...


Welcome to!

Born out of the sheer frustration of a husband and wife duo, we recognised the struggle many parents face: finding reliable information about pubs and restaurants equipped with play areas for children. And even when one is located, how can you be sure of its quality?

That’s where steps in. We’ve created a user-friendly directory of pubs and restaurants boasting children’s play areas. Our listings are not only up-to-date but also meticulously reviewed to ensure accuracy. Our mission? To offer children a delightful break from screens and, just maybe, grant parents that much-desired moment of peace and quiet.

Join us in making family outings more enjoyable for everyone!


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